Healthy Aging Magazine last year published my article about following the trail of Lewis and Clark. Their website now has an excerpt of the article, titled "A Road Trip into History." It's under Travel Ideas. You can see it at:
I'm looking forward to giving a slide presentation on April 25, 2021 on zoom to the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation about my trip following the Lewis and Clark Trail. My article on Mary Todd Lincoln came out in print in all fourteen of the New Jersey Hills Media publications on Thursday, March 18, 2021. It's great to see the articles in print. So far, they've printed #1,#3 and now #5. Here's an excerpt: "We saw a sign for Mary Todd's family home and decided to pay a visit. it had been saved from demolition in 1977 and is the first house museum in America to honor a First Lady... Mary was the fourth of seven children, and her mother died when Mary was six years old. Her father remarried and had nine more children. When Mary announced her husband would be Abraham Lincoln whose upbringing was the opposite of hers, the Todds felt Mary was 'marrying down.' His little log cabin would have fit into her parents' master bedroom. They were married in 1842. Mary was 24 and Abe, 33 years old. They must have made a striking couple with her a diminutive, heavyset 5'2" and Abe, a lanky 6'4," plus his famous stovepipe hat. Kentucky was a slave state and Mary was brought up having slaves serve the family, but she was a staunch abolitionist. When Abe became a senator and then President there was much conflict within the family and household. Many of her siblings were on the Confederate side fighting for the south in the Civil War..." The second book, working title (and probably final title), Discoveries Across America, through the Heartland and Southwest, is now with an editor. Still lots of work to do. |
When the Covid19 problem is over with, I look forward to giving talks about Lewis and Clark at local libraries.
American Road Magazine has a wonderful review of the book in the Fall 2020 edition. We Proceeded On, a publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, has requested a copy of the book for review in the Spring or Summer edition. Meanwhile, my column is back running in the New Jersey Hills Media publications which include many northern NJ weekly newspapers, including the Chatham Courier, Madison Eagle and Bernardsville News. This time I'm writing about a road trip to St. Louis and an adventure up the Mississippi River to Mark Twain country on the American Queen paddle wheel boat. For now it's only in the digital version, but will be in print when the paper expands to it's pre-Covid19 length. Another project is writing a second book about road tripping through the Heartland and Southwest. I'll keep you updated on that. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Here are some photos from the next book. |

Bryce Canyon, Utah